"Lockdown Learning Questions Children's Conventional Education"

“We don’t set up a blackboard and tell children at 12 months that it’s time to walk.”

In a May 2020 article on the Child and Family Blog titled “Lockdown Learning Questions Conventional Education,” professor Angeline S. Lillard pointed out that the global pandemic is shining a spotlight on what is broken in our education system. That is, it is not designed around the developmental needs of children.

She described the difference between children who, for remote learning, walked around their home or surroundings counting different shapes and making graphs of the data versus those who were expected to sit in front of a computer screen and fill out worksheets.

“This difference in experience is highlighting to parents a gulf between how many children are taught in schools and how learning might change if education were based more on what we know about child development.”

We have been having conversations about this same topic. If ever there was a time for our educational institutions to self-evaluate and take a turn for the better, this is it!

Let’s share the successes of Montessori education and put children’s needs and their natures at the center of how we design education.

Check out the full text of the article at the link below:
